"Abstract. A pure peer-to-peer version of e-cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution..",
says the first few lines of the Bitcoin white paper published on October 31, 2008. The development of Bitcoin is based on decades of research - the result? A billion $$ asset and a decentralized, digital, democratic peer-2-peer monetary system.
In the bitcoin whitepaper, Satoshi Nakamoto describes the technical basis for bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in just 8 pages. The whitepaper is rightly considered thefounding document of Bitcoin .
The Billion $$$ Paper is a must-have for everyone, a work of art that reflects the evolutionary idea of Bitcoin changing the world..
100% handmade
Spotlight effect through strong, glowing neon colors under black light
Dimensions: 34x44cm
rolled white paper with loop
gold plated bitcoin coin
high quality depth frame
Bitcoin Charter of Incorporation
The Holy Grail of Bitcoin: THE WHITEPAPER
limited series of 21 pieces, each one signed
DELIVERY TIME: The delivery time in DE, AU & CH is usually between 15-20 working days. International shipping varies.
Artwork individuality: The artwork shown differs from the ordered one. Each splash of paint is different in the manufacturing process.
10% DIP CODE on your first order | Use code: FIRST10
How long does delivery take?
Shipping varies. As a rule, you will receive your artwork/fashion within 7-15 working days. Canvas artworks, masterpieces & the like require separate shipping.
Can you pay with Bitcoin?
Yes Bitcoin payments are possible & even desirable.